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Lectures and Demonstrations

Select Presentations and Teaching Experience
Activities within the American Scientific Glassblowers Society.

Select Presentations and Teaching Experience

Midwest regional meeting of the American Chemical Society, Nov. 1996 Lecture titled, "Batman, the Lone Ranger and the Chemist"
Florida Institue of Technology (by invitation of the Student Affiliates of the American Chemical Society), One week series of classes to Chemistry students with elements of class presented at UWM January 1995, January 1996, January 1997
Florida Honors College, Atlantic University One week series of classes and lecture presentation on properties of glass. January 2003
Salem Community College, Carney's Point, NJ One week series of classes on glass lathe techniques and vacuum technology 1999
UW-Milwaukee Science Bag Presentations, February 1992 Ancient Arrowheads, Roman Baseball Cards and Optical Fiber, the many uses of glass. Month long lecture series, presented weekly.
DePaw University, Greencastle, IN, March 2003 Lecture titled, "Batman, the Lone Ranger and the Chemist"
American Chemical Society meeting, March 2002 Lecture titled, "Scientific Glassware & the Scientist - A Solid Bond"
UW-Steven's Point, November 2004 Lecture titled, "A Glass Act"
UW-Milwaukee Science Bag Presentations, March 2004 A Glass Act.
Month long lecture series, presented weekly.
Ohio ACS, 2007
National Glass Materials Handlers, July 2007
Annual Graduate Level Class in Scientific Glassblowing at UW-Milwaukee, through 2005

Activities within the American Scientific Glassblowers Society.

Membership National ASGS Symposia
Offices Held
1975 - 1980 Junior Member
1980 - Present
Regular Member
1979 - Present

Attendance at all National Symposia.
1983-1985 Chair, Midwest Section
1984-1989 National Board of Directors (Midwest Section Representative)
1985-Present Librarian (Organized the Midwest Section lending library)
1990-1991 Secretary/Treasurer, Midwest Section
1992-1993 President-Elect
1993-1994 President
1994-1996 Executive Secretary
1992-1999 Midwest Secretary/Treasurer
Awards National Committees Served
1985 Midwest Section Meritorious Service Award
1986 Dana Sampson Award from Southeastern Section
1989 Dana Sampson Award from Southeastern Section
1990 Helmut Dreschel Achievement Award from National ASGS
1992 Dana Sampson Award from Southeastern Section
1992 Midwest Section Achievement Award
1993 Wale Award for best Poster Presentation
1997 J. Allen Alexander Award from National ASGS
2001 Andrews Glass Award for best Technical Paper
2002 Dana Sampson Award from Southeastern Section
1985-1987 Education Committee, Chair
1989 34th Annual Symposium Committee, Chair
1991 Symposium Chair Guidelines Committee
1991-1993 Publications Committee
1992-1994 Home Office Search Committee, Co-Chair
1992-1996 Executive Committee
1994-1996 and 1998-2001 Bylaws/Steering Committee
1996-1999 Technical Questions & Answers Committee, Chair
1998-2000 Computer Committee
2005 50th Annual Symposium, Assistant Chair & Chair Exhibits Committee

Publication in Fusion

Articles Lampshop Hints
February 1980 "A New Approach to an Old Problem"
February 1986 "You Too Can Present a Technical Paper"
(co-author David Hovey, Lincoln Labs, Mass. Institute of Technology)
February 1990 "Glassblowers' Contribution to Science"
November 1983 "Drilling Large Diameter Holes in a Large Cylinder"
November 1985 "Freas Conductivity Cell"
February 1987 "Cuvette Holder"
August 1988 "Silver Cell - Window Clear"
May 1991 "Micro Mini" Stopcocks
November 1995 "Freeing Standard Taper Joints & Cleaning of Metal Parts"
August 1996 "Vacuum Chuck for Grinding Small Parts"
November 1996 "Cutting Thin (0.16mm) Glass Plates"
February 1997 "Bell Jar Repair", "Gold Electrode Molds"
May 1997 "Platinum Feed-Thru", "Funnel Repair"
August 1997 "High Temp Quartz Window Deformation"
November 1997 "Reduce Chipout from Core Drilling"
May 1998 "Cutting Flat Glass"
February 1999 "Extensive Epoxy Sealing"
November 2001 "Hooded Platinum Electrode"
Book Reviews
November 1985
February 1989
May 1989
May 2003
November 2004
The Handbook of Glass Manufacture, 3rd Edition, by F.V.Tooley
Manipulation of Air Sensitive compound, 2nd Edition, by D.F.Shriver & M.A.Drezdon
Glassblowing: An Introduction to Artistic and Scientific Flameworking, by E.Carberry
Glassblowing: An introduction to Artistic and Scientific Flameworking, by E. Carberry, 3rd Edition
The Neon Engineers Notebook by J. Fishman & M. Cook

Symposium Presentations

Seminars Papers
1988 Team Presentation, Junior Seminar
1992 Team Presentation,"Practical Techniques, Applications & Experiences in Glassblowing"
1993 Team Presentation, Junior Seminar
1994 Team Presentation, Junior Seminar
1995 Team Presentation, "Glass Techniques & Tips, Panel Discussion"
1996 Team Presentation, Junior Seminar
1997 Team Presentation, Junior Seminar
2001 Team Presentation, Junior Seminar
2002 Symposium Team Presentation, Junior Seminar
1986, "Modified Device for Rapid Mixing of Two Liquids"
1987, "Multiple Windowed Quartz Cell"
1990, "Dewars I Have Known"
1991, "A Glassblower's View of the Soviet Union"
2000, "Low Temperature IR Cells"
Posters Workshop Demonstrations
1988 "Mr. Wizard's Workshop"
1989 "Have Torch, Will Travel"
1989 "Concentric Tube Raman Dewar" (co-author, Jeff Schaubel)
1993 "High Spin NMR Ampule Seal Off Apparatus"
1994 "Fill Apparatus for Anaerobic Sample holder from KEL-F"
1997 "Have Torch, Will Travel II"
June 1985 - 30th Symposium, "Forming Irregular Shaped tubing from Round Tubing"
June 2001 - 46th Symposium, "Waterjacketed Electro-Chemical Cell"

Demonstrations at Midwest Section Meetings

November 19, 1982 - Northwestern University
April 22, 1983 - AMCO Industries
September 28, 1984 - Argonne National Labs

September 20, 1985 - Northwestern University
June 6, 1988 - Argonne National Labs
March 11, 1989 - University of Notre Dame

April 7, 1990 - Argonne National Labs
October 16, 1993 - UW - Milwaukee Chemistry Department.
Quartz to borosilicate graded seal.
Quartz to borosilicate graded seal.
Drawing of square and rectangular tubing from standard borosilicate tubing.
Quartz to borosilicate graded seals.
100-80mm ring seals.
Technique for multi-level parallel high purity quartz window sealing.
Quartz to borosilicate graded seals.
Use of carbon forms in manufacture of special apparatus.